Become a Charity Ambassador or Champion
Have you ever wanted to donate your time, skills, expertise and enthusiasm to help make a difference?
If you have then why not join our very friendly enthusiastic team of Charity Ambassadors and Champions?
Our Charity Ambassadors are very hands-on helping to organise fundraising events, producing teaching materials and training, contacting schools for book donations, and networking.
Our Charity Champions are no less enthusiastic by donating time and skills to help us operate more effectively.
The level of commitment, and the amount of time you offer, is completely up to you.

If you’ve been thinking about how you can give your time to something bigger than yourself.
If you’re wondering what the best ways are to volunteer abroad.
If you’re searching, dreaming and yearning to do something that is truly meaningful with a project that will have a long-lasting impact.
Volunteer in WATAMU
Welcome to KWEST!
Looking for a Gap Year?
Being a volunteer is a very rewarding experience and with KWEST you will know that you are helping to change lives.
You will work with our incredible team in Watamu, helping children with reading at our Library at KWS and at the 11 schools we visit each week.
For those of you with artistic talents how about leading on some arts and craft activities.
And for the more active volunteers there is always the opportunity to take the children swimming or to arrange some fun sports events.
Teacher looking for an EFL experience?
Whether you are experienced or newly qualified teacher working with the children in Watamu will be a life changing experience.
These will be the keenest students you will ever work with and the most rewarding.
For them, this is an opportunity that they would otherwise never get. To hear, speak, read and write English is vital to their future education.
English is their 2nd or even 3rd language but ALL their school exams are in English.